Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Guess where we are!!!

Arthur and Anaëlle (Arthur just farted) already on their way to become great travellers....


  1. Hey, Anaelle - how's yer bum? Saddle-sore yet? I bet you are actually still at home in your feather bed, and have been there since you left the IB. Gonna have to send in the Zombies....


  2. Hello Steve!!

    Indeed, after 4 weeks in France, I am back home and yes, today, laying on the couch... after 4 injections for Latin America!! Including 2 in each thigh so yes, my bum is sore!!! And I'am stone :-)
    I have the feeling I will have on day to send you these zombie movies for real... Ow boy! You won't be disapointed!!

    How is Sir Sargent 2013??


  3. Back home??? I thought you were going around the world on a bike? Sounds like a big con, to me. When do you leave? I shall be monitoring your progress as you wreak havok, Katrina-like, across Latin America...........

    1. I do go around the world but the departure date is the 4th of February!

  4. Replies
    1. We just cleaned out our appartment. It's empty now. Next step, clean up the mess at my parents place and prepare the last bits. How's life in Cergy?

    2. Hi Arthur,
      quite fine thanks,
      may be can we skype us this week end
      better after 9 pm because the connection in Cergy is quite slow ;
      what do you mean by " prepare the last bits ( informatical terms)
