Friday, February 1, 2013

One small step for us, euuhhh, no!

Yesterday, Anaelle and I have cleared out our appartment (one of the big steps). Most of our belongings have been sold, recycled, or given as presents. So, our flat is empty again.

Some of the belogings went back to France (la stockage); some went back to the Netherlands. Speaking of that, Anaelle and I are living with my parents!

Now, still 3 days before our departure, Anaelle and I are preparing the last bits. Anaelle is going to the dentist to get her molar (back tooth) fixed. I will return my car to the company. Then get all my junk stored in a fashioned order. In the meanwhile I am having an email conversation with "The Dixons" - the family who we will be visiting first in the USA. Just to get an idea, here is a nice snapshot of their house, their lake, their wood and farmland :-).

Now I need to rid of that headache, since the beers of yesterday are still having some effect... and not only on the inside!

See you!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello, not see your mel; have put a link from my blog to your blog

    American speaking not too difficult?

    1. Speaking American English is not an issue for me. Anaelle is doing quite okay. She is cooking right now :-)

      I don't understand whichlink from your to our blog. Or is this for Anaelle?

  3. Hi Arthur,

    I have put a link between your blog and mine; when somebody come on my blog there is a ling to your blog ( only for the family in Britanny).
    ( sorry my english is not perfect).

    for american language it was just a joke

    1. Haha...well, at least I understand now. Lets see how many Bretonnies are coming to visit... (Virtually)

    2. Haha...well, at least I understand now. Lets see how many Bretonnies are coming to visit... (Virtually)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Honestly what did your company ever do for you?
    You should just have returned your car to me ... pfff...
